Corpselvania Version 4

In almost all of the games you play, dying is mainly considered a negative thing, but it is a positive thing in this game. Every time you die, a totem will spawn at the death location and you can hit it to collect a totem that can be used to convert into grave pieces and liquid which can be used to craft weapons and potions. Once you upgraded your equipment, it will be easier for you to get rid of the enemies and reach the end.


WASD or arrow keys - move

Space key - jump

Z key - attack/reflect bullets

X key - use shield (you need to get it from the crafting table first to use it)

C key - open converter/crafting table UI/black door

1 to 5 keys - interact with UI


Version 2

- Added a shield to the game which will need to be obtained from the crafting table in order to use it. The shield can be used to protect yourself from bullets. Your stamina must not fall below zero or else you will have to wait until it recharges to use the shield again.

- Added another level to the game

Version 3

- Fixed issues with the shield

- Modified the last level to make it slightly easier

- Did a few bugfixes

Version 4

- Added more art and decorations to the game

- The ranged skeletons now have guns

- The ranged skeletons' gun turns red when they are about to shoot

***There might be a few bugs in this game.

Known issues

- The skeleton might get stuck in the ground when trying to attack them facing the ground

- The difficulty in final level might be very hard

Coming soon

- The UI will be renovated so you can click on the buttons instead of using numbers to interact with them. There will also be sounds in the UI menu.

- Settings where you can adjust the sound and music volume.

Here is the source code:


Download 29 MB

Install instructions

If you are planning on using the downloadable version, extract the zip file and then open the exe file.

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